terror, and she, too, was feeling fearful. When the room was filled with the strangebeings, a sparkling shaft of light came down through the ceiling. As it coalesced, Pat saw inthe midst of the light a figure which she perceived as a blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus, ina resplendent robe. He took Pat's right hand and said,
Do not be afraid, my child. These are mine,
gesturing to the beings who were standing all around the room.The Jesus figure looked at Pat and said,
I am the light of the world.
Then he was againsurrounded by the sparkling shaft of light, which ascended back into the ceiling and tookhim with it.She and her grandmother were floated out of the room by the entities. Passing by hermother's bedroom, Pat saw a brilliant white light coming out of the room. Five of the tallerWhites were around her step-father's bed, and they seemed to be examining one of hisatrophied legs, the result of polio. A glowing green bar of light, about five inches long,floated over him. Continuing on through the house and out into the yard, Pat saw abright crystalline flying craft hovering low to the ground. A beam of light came out of thebottom of the craft and engulfed her."I remember my sister's blonde curly head next to mine as we went up inside the craft,"Pat said. "We were looking down at the ground and saw my mom and grandmotherthere looking up, like zombies." She could also see that the entire yard was swarmingwith Grays hurrying about the area. Although neither she nor Rose is certain of the exactsequence of events, they recalled a group of the smaller gray beings near a ditch besidethe cellar door. Rose saw the beings in a line, walking across a board spanning the ditch.But Pat's memory included a line or wall of fire in the ditch and a row of "small, gray,skinny" aliens wearing "Chinese rice-paddy hats with big brims.""I was on one side of the long ditch, and they were on the other. They were mentallytelling me
Pass through the light, it will not burn
you - which I was thinking at that time,that I would get burned. The fire was not hot, and it was supposed to cleanse me. I didgo through it to the other side, but I do not remember doing it or what happened afterthat."After the light transported her and Rose up into the craft, Pat recalled sitting on a tablein a room with Grays present. A taller White came over with a file-type instrument andscraped skin from her inner forearm and the bottoms of her feet, clipped some of herhair, and then peeled away samples of her fingernails. “What do you need all thosepieces of me for?" she asked.
We are making a new you,
the entity replied."Are you an angel?" Pat inquired.
the entity told her,
but not like you have been taught.
Pat was taken into another room where she lay on a table, above which was a darkinstrument. One of the Grays came in and pulled down a tube from this device whichhad a thin needle on the end. Pat became afraid, but the Gray told her,
This is the part
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